The inclusion of people with disabilities (PWDs) within the scope of everyday processes,
as well as community participation and leadership positions, is necessary to have vibrant
and dynamic societies. Differently abled persons have important perspectives, abilities,
talents and skills to offer their communities.
In this vein, Hope for Future Generations promotes the diverse cases of persons with
disabilities through two (2) programmes, HopePal and Get Up, Speak Out (GUSO).
Through these initiatives, HFFG advocates for the advancement of people with disabilities
in the public and private sector through capacity building interventions, educational projects,
mentorships and internships, employment and volunteerism. These approaches are vital in
supporting the rights of PWDS, particularly in gaining social and political inclusion, proper
access to quality health care and education, use of public facilities, provision of technological
equipment to assist their needs, and enhanced media advocacy sharing widespread communication
about their experiences.