• Head Office Address: Odotei Tsui Loop, adjacent Ghana Refugee Board, Dzorwulu, Accra East
  • (+233 (0) 303 971 433 / 303 971 435
  • Head Office Address; Odotei Tsui Loop, adjacent Ghana Refugee Board, Dzorwulu, Accra East
  • +233 (0) 303 971 433 / 303 971 435

Watershed Project

Too many people, according to the 2018 SDG report, still lack access to a safely managed supply of water and sanitation facilities. The scarcity of water and good wastewater management system in most communities in sub-Saharan Africa hinder socio-economic development. Improved water resources and management are therefore critical to ensuring a sense of balance issues of demand and supply to various sectors of a country’s economy and users. Only 27 percent of the population in LDCs, including Ghana, had basic hand washing facilities whilst a whopping 892 million people are said to continue to practice open defecation globally.

In Ghana, the long-term goal is a universal access to Water Access, Sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services by 2030 in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  Even though Ghana has made significant strides in achieving WASH goals by exceeding her Millennium Development Goal (MDG) target of 78%, the increasing gap in addressing equal access to WASH services by disadvantaged groups such as the poor, people living in slums or informal settlements, remote populations, indigenous populations, displaced persons, ethnic minorities and people living with disabilities validates Hope For Future Generations’ (HFFG) Watershed programme.

Our Commitments

HFFG, a non-governmental organization dedicated to giving equal opportunities to women, children and young people in Ghana has been working with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and IRC, Simavi, Wetlands International and Akvo to improve governance and management of WASH and Water Resources Management (WRM) services.

HFFG has since 2016 led Samavi’s Watershed programme to identify and support local communities to build their capacity in lobbying advocating for enhancement of WASH services in their communities.

Currently, HFFG is implementing the project in 15 communities in Tarkwa Nsuaem municipality (Bonsaso, Dadwen, Kofikrom, Nyanso, Israel, Nsuaem mile 5, Nyamebekyere, Tebrebe, Mile 10 and a half, Techiman, Tarkwa Banso Domiabra, and Essaman Kakraba, Kyekyewere).

HFFG collaborates with local stakeholders such as Water Resources Commission (WRC), Ministry of Water Resources Works and Housing (MWRWH), Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (MLGRD), Ghana Water Company Ltd(GWCL), WRC, and Community Water and Sanitation Agency (CWSA), The Coalition of NGOs in Water and Sanitation (CONIWAS), Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Journalists Network, and several other NGOs, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)  and the Municipal Assembly to:

  • Sensitize community members in the Tarkwa Municipality and map out and identify water bodies to be protected.
  • Train CSOs and community groups in advocacy, lobbying and the use of scorecards for social accountability.
  • Carry out community engagement activities including community entry, mobilization of community groups, coaching and mentoring community groups in lobbying and advocacy.
  •  Formation and empowering WASH/IWRM advocacy networks to organize social accountability at municipal and community level to engage stakeholders.
  • Organize stakeholder review and planning meetings on WASH and IWRM
  • Train identifiable WASH stakeholders in social accountability using scorecards and other social accountability tools.